Network partners of the
Franchise Messe Österreich 2022


Our mainpartner

Österreichischer Franchise-Verband


Österreichischer Franchise-Verband

Der Österreichische Franchise-Verband (ÖFV) ist Repräsentant der österreichischen Franchise-Wirtschaft. Als integrativer Motor der Franchise-Szene vertritt der Verband die Interessen seiner Mitglieder in der Öffentlichkeit und forciert den Austausch mit Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit, um die nachhaltige Qualitätssicherung im Franchising zu fördern. Diese wird durch den ÖFV System-Check unterstützt, zu welchem sich alle ordentlichen Mitglieder mindestens einmalig verpflichten. Nach Absolvierung des Checks darf das ÖFV Siegel „Geprüftes Mitglied“ getragen werden, welches nicht nur die hohe Qualität des Systems repräsentiert, sondern darüber hinaus für eine hohe Franchise-Partner Zufriedenheit steht und dadurch Vorteile bei der Suche nach neuen Franchise-Partnern mit sich bringt. Der ÖFV gilt als Kommunikationsplattform und fokussiert den Ausbau von Image und Bekanntheitswert des Franchisings. Zudem vernetzt der Verband Franchise-Geber mit Franchise-Interessenten und stellt seinen Mitgliedern ein umfassendes Experten-Netzwerk zur Verfügung. Ebenso zählen themenspezifische Veranstaltungen zum vielfältigen Angebot des Österreichischen Franchise-Verbandes, der in Brunn am Gebirge angesiedelt ist und rund 135 Mitglieder zählt.

Zur Website von Österreichischer Franchise-Verband

Our network-partners

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SYNCON International Franchise Consultants are constantly on the move EU- and worldwide. We see ourselves as competent consultants in all fields concerning franchise know-how.

With over 25 years of successful consultancy, we have built up SYNCON to its position as market leader in the German-speaking countries.

We may currently look back on more than 1,200 franchise projects which we have handled to the fullest satisfaction of our customers. More and more franchisors rely on our support in their international expansion as well.

During recent years, SYNCON has also developed competence in the field of Social Franchising.
In september 2014 Waltrud Martius organized the 1st Social Franchise Forum in Vienna  - hosting high potentials on the podium and more than 120 participants. This engagement will go on - being one of Waltrud Martius´ matter of heart.


The German Franchise Association Deutscher Franchiseverband e.V. is the umbrella organisation for Germany’s franchise industry. It was founded in 1978 and is based in Berlin. This quality community represents both franchisers and franchisees. The Deutscher Franchise Verband provides its mor than 320 members with numerous services and benefits. The association’s core concern is economic, social and political representation of the franchise industry’s interests, which includes supporting its members’ expansion plans.

In 2017 some 970 franchise systems in Germany, together with approximately 123,000 franchise partners and 707,000 employees earned turnover of around 112 billion euros.

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"OBSERVER" is the full-service agency for Media Intelligence in Austria and since 1896 market leader in classical media monitoring & analysis. From the very beginning, "OBSERVER" has been internationally active and is also a founding member of the international association FIBEP. With the "OBSERVER ClipManager" and the "MIO" there is the unique possibility to present the collected media response from all channels in one online tool. The service can be supplemented by many additional modules covering the entire range of digital communication.
In the area of Online Monitoring & Social Media Analytics, the media monitoring platform offers tailor-made solutions that meet all the requirements of professional communication. The portfolio includes individual analyses and reporting services for success control in marketing & PR. 


Through broad networking at mentoring events and successful mentoring initiatives, the Mentory Club aims to promote the career entry or re-entry, professional development and career advancement of women, thus laying the foundation for professional success. At regular career talks you can experience women in management positions in their companies and have the opportunity to meet many interesting women and network.

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alpha is a club by women for women - not excluding men. For more than 30 years we have been promoting and strengthening women. Through education, information and networking we encourage women to follow their own way. Just as the needs of women and the framework conditions for their professional and private lives are changing, alpha has also continuously modified its range of services and programmes, creating new focuses. alpha is work in progress.

What began as a "rehearsal stage" on which women could test their appearance, persuasiveness and argumentation skills and, if necessary, professionalize them, has developed over the years into a sustainable network on the one hand, and on the other hand into a base station for projects such as the annual Women Journalists' Congress, "Actions not Words" or "WoMentoring".

Maria Rauch-Kallat, the alpha founder, planned alpha as a non-party political academy for women and wanted to address women in different stages of life and with different interests.

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The StartUp Center of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt supports FHWN innovators & entrepreneurs in implementing their innovative business ideas.

Our services:

  • FHWN Accelerator (intensive program for founders)
  • Co-working space & meeting rooms
  • Idea evaluation by experts
  • Coaching, mentoring, workshops & events
  • Support for business plan, marketing concept, prototyping, law, co-founders, etc.
  • Networking with founders, funding institutions & investors
  • FHWN start-up day
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The Österreichische Wirtschaftsbund (Austrian Business Federation) is Austria's largest and most powerful political lobby for female and male entrepreneurs and people who think independently. The success that the Wirtschaftsbund has achieved in the last four years in terms of more entrepreneurial spirit are of benefit not only to its over 100,000 members, but to the economy as a whole. In addition, committed Wirtschaftsbund functionaries at federal, state and local level are indispensable opinion leaders for the domestic economy in addition to representing interests and in statutory bodies. With one goal: that there can never be enough entrepreneurial thinking in Austria.


management club is the most influential manager network in Austria and the interface between business and politics. As an Austria-wide network of executives, we develop new ideas and concepts for future topics with renowned experts and political decision-makers.
At events and working groups, cutting-edge questions from the fields of economics, politics, communication, research and technology are explained in order to highlight urgently needed improvements. Therefore, the members of the management club are among the first to recognize developments and trends that are crucial for entrepreneurial success.


The Austrian Retail Association- Handelsverband sees itself as spokesman and partner of the trade and represents about 150 large trading companies as well as thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises, which generate more than 42.000 Billion euros annually with more than 250.000 employees at 12.000 locations all over Austria. As a politically independent advocacy group with the focus on­­ the requests of its members, the Austrian Retail Association- Handelsverband seeks to influence the legislative framework at the state and supranational level for the benefit of its members. The association's portfolio includes four innovative industry congresses, the discussion-format [trade] zone, the RETAIL magazine, the publication of studies and the Austrian Retail Association- Handelsverband Akademie.


The Marketing Club Austria has been active on the Austrian market for 60 years and is part of the Austrian Marketing Confederation. The club has more than 900 members and offers about 20 exciting lectures, panel discussions, workshops and a further education format for marketing decision makers every year. The Marketing Club Austria invites to networking, further education and industry talks. "Let yourself be seen" is the inviting motto.

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The association „FrauimFokus“ was founded 15 years ago and sees itself as a business network for women in which they can learn from each other through enjoyable collaboration. The association puts high priority on sustainability in all its activities and operations and takes its responsibilities with regard to the three pillars of economy, ecology and society very seriously. They place particular emphasis on the promotion of women in their economic activities and organize various events with the purpose of encouraging women to develop their skills in a future-oriented way.


WU Executive Academy - Know How to Succeed

The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU) has more than 100 years of experience and an excellent reputation. The portfolio of the WU Executive Academy includes in-service, practice-oriented programs for executives, junior managers and companies. These include Professional Master Programs, the university degree program "Diplom Betriebswirt", university courses (e.g. Marketing & Sales), MBA and Master of Laws programs as well as management seminars.

The speakers are professors and experts from a worldwide network of over 240 universities and leading companies. This is one of the reasons why the WU Executive Academy has been accredited by the most renowned institutions and has been ranked among the best in numerous rankings.


ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, with its about 100 offices in over 70 countries, provides a broad range of intelligence and business development services for both Austrian companies and their international business partners. Around 800 employees and 35 consultants around the world can assist you in locating Austrian suppliers and business partners. We organize about 1,200 events every year to bring business contacts together. Other services provided by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA offices range from introductions to Austrian companies looking for importers, distributors or agents to providing in-depth information on Austria as a business location and assistance in entering the Austrian market.

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Junior Chamber Vienna is a network for entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 40 (currently around 3,000 members spread across all sectors).

The team of junior chamber Vienna - all of them entrepreneurs from different industries - is committed to the interests and concerns of young entrepreneurs. In addition to monthly networking events, the focus is on the areas of digitalization, education & university, sustainability, start-ups & foundation and the city of the future.

Website Junior Chamber Vienna